NTLK Re: Replacement pen

From: Glenn Roe (myhome@cwnet.com)
Date: Thu Jun 01 2000 - 00:51:16 CDT

I have quite an assortment of pens, including the Pilot Pentopia, PDA
Panache multi colored, Concept Kitchen desktop, eMate transparents and
standard, and the standard MP2X00 pens. My favorite varies. I like the
weight and substansialness of the Panache pen (plus it fits inside the
Newton), the Concept Kitchen pen is handy when I'm in the office, the
Pentopia is great for switching between the screen and paper with ink or
pencil (although the pen is too fine tipped for me, and I break the thin
lead a lot), but my favorite is somehow the eMate pens. I guess part of
it is they were so cheap that not worrying so much about losing them is
a psychological advantage (I got several boxes when they were plentiful
at Small Dog). As far as the writing comfortability it depends on the
surface. On the MP I use Writerights and the Panache pen feels best. On
the emate I have Barriers (I got 12 packages in an ebay auction) and the
Pentopia or eMate pen seems best. On a naked screen (which I don't
recommend) they all seem to work well. I've looked into the Cross pens,
but with all these other pens I can't justify buying another pricey one.
One other thing to note is that one of my employees wore off the tip of
the PDA Panache pen mindlessly doodling on tables and anything else that
was around. As she lost the original MP pen, I gave her a box of the
eMate clear plastic pens (which were about $6 for a box of 24).
Just some of my experiences in caring for 6 MPs, 4 eMates, and the
people who use them.

Glenn Roe

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