Re: NTLK Newton Connection Kit for Windows

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Jun 01 2000 - 15:43:38 CDT

>I just recently got the Connection Kit for Windows, and am a little confused
>as to how to do something. I have a MP120 with OS 2.0 (516263). When I
>run the Connection program, it tells me to open Connection on the Newton,
>then choose the DOS or Windows option. Huh? Mine has nothing like that.
>Is there a DOS version of the OS that allows for this choice?

1/ I used NCU with a MP120/2.0, it is better than NCK.
2/ to connect, run the desktop program, then the connection icon on
the Newton, ensure that the desktop will listen to the Newton (they
should agree on speed, connection type, etc.), then the desktop will
say that it found your Newton once you pressed connect.

Best Regards,


P&M Consulting Newton Program
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