Re: NTLK simple mail memory loss

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Sun Jun 04 2000 - 20:53:03 CDT

On Sun, Jun 4 2000 THX 1138 wrote:

I use my newton to download around 30-40 messages a day which are then
filtered out to respective folders. I'm still checking, but this seems to
be the source of the memory leak for me.

Just thought you'd like to know.

You know what, I'm using a filter rule to file my NTLK Messages to another folder, and I'm getting massive storage loss as well. Starting tomorrow I am going to use my 2MB card just for I/O Box storage and will report the results.

I also have another bug which has come up since SimpleMail 4.0 where if I View All Items in the inbox and then tap on an item to view it, I'm shown the wrong item.

Victor Rehorst - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - -
Sent from a Newton Messagepad 2100 with SimpleMail 4.0
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