Re: NTLK Ten digit dialing?

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 09:11:40 CDT

on 02-06-2000 7:05, Laurent Daudelin at

>> Has anyone seen a package that will set the Newton to do local ten digit
>> dialing (without the "1")?
>> It's annoying to have to manually remove the one each time I use the address
>> book to make a call.
> I didn't find a package to do that, but I did find a way that works for me. I
> did duplicate my local worksite, in the Owner Info. I renamed it "Home-Local".
> I also renamed my original
> worksite "Home-LD". Then, I did add my local area code as a dialing prefix to
> my "Home-Local" worksite. Then, depending if I'm making a local or a long
> distance call, I pick the
> appropriate worksite in the dialing slip.

I had something similar and my speakerphone will open a line if you push one
of the memory buttons so I programmed the necessary code (a 1 in your case)
and instead of pushing the sp-phone button I just push the memory button.
Saves me a lot of switching on my Newton and lets me use the Address Access
dial method, forget to mention that one the other day when I sang praise of
this application, which idiotic programmer came up with the Newton built-in
dial method that you have to hang up every time, quite annoying after 10,000
times ;-)

Robert Benschop

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