Re: posting guidelines (was RE: NTLK Spreadsheet for 120?)

From: markr13 (
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 19:57:32 CDT

>Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 18:14:58 +1000
>From: charlie allom <>
>Subject: posting guidelines (was RE: NTLK Spreadsheet for 120?)

>are posts like this necessary? can anyone be bothered to get a
>'posting guidelines' document on planetnewton?
>>QFigure is a good one.

>Subject: RE: posting guidelines (was RE: NTLK Spreadsheet for 120?)
>You know I can't believe the extent of the elitist snobbery there appears to
>be from some members of this list, it comes across as being somewhat closed
>of to anyone who is a newby to the Newt world.
>can the postmaster unsubscribe me please, since if this is the attitude of
>some of the members then the Newton is going to die and long slow painful

I don't know about anyone else, but I believe this kind of exchange
should not occur on a list dedicated to helping out the Newton community,
no matter what level of expertise you have. We have all kinds of folks
on this list who are more than willing to go the extra mile to help out
someone do almost anything with our little green friends. Diatribes
about keeping posts small are out of place. Certainly we can all try to
do that, some forget and some are using MIME attachments that take a one
line post and turn it into two pages of gibberish. A gentle reminder
from time to time is appropriate, not snotty remarks.

Miss Manners

"Can't we all just... get along?"

Mark Ross

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