Re: NTLK Useless to Resist

From: Ryan Dorman (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 14:05:36 CDT

I understand the New Zealanders (or kiwi's as they prefer) have the same
complex about their country.

Ryan Dorman

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 wrote:

> The Hidden Hawaii
> The reason Hawaiians feel so superior, according to an ex-Hawaiian now
> living in a witness protection program so that fellow Hawaiians don't find
> him, is that they have a huge inferiority complex. Virtually out of touch
> with the rest of the world, they live on a series of isolated islands and
> are at the mercy of the Tourist Lords, who control the Islands. Granted,
> paradise is fun, but they become stir crazy and begin to feel inadequate
> because of the size of their state compared to the cost of living there.
> Prices are embarrassingly high because they live in the biggest tourist trap
> in the world. Because the size of the state is an embarrassment, Hawaiians
> are psychotic, but not as bad as Rhode Islanders. To off set the completely
> paralyzing depression, the local Hawaiians pump themselves into a frenzy
> over the slightest real or imagined slight made by tourists in order to have
> some degree of self esteem. Don't even mention that most locals are
> transplants from 'somewhere else' unless you want to make them cry or be the
> main course at the nearest Paupau, New Guinea restaurant.
> Hawaiians are similar to people that live in a college town: they are at
> constant war with the tourists (students). They can't live with them and
> they can't live without them. Consequently they MUST feel superior to them
> or end up on suicidal rampages. The locals see how the rest of the world is
> progressing in all other areas of life while they must live in complete
> slavery to the tourist trade. The Hawaiians are also pissed because it costs
> so much too live there that when other people come to visit and make
> comments about how a coke is not $3 a can in Iowa, their delusion of living
> in paradise is shattered into a million pieces. Who wouldn't be edgy,
> paranoid, superior or twitchy?
> My source says it took him years to get out of the Hawaiian Mentality, with
> help of a 39 Step Program and Federal Agents, but now he can live a normal
> life and pay 60 cents for a coke.
> Paradise is a tough place.
> ;-)
> Mark
> >Now we're talking! Hawaiians believe both US and Canadian mainlanders are
> >staggeringly stupid! It all begins to fall together! No wonder I can
> >never get the clock-radio set right!:-)
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